Hearken ye unto my tale of a wondrous existence! I will impart unto thee many yarns of the marvelous Planet Lanstrum, its rise and fall, and struggle to rise once more. You shall learn of gods and men, of an idyllic planet thwarted by corruption. You will bear witness to the great patriarchs and matriarchs of a once tranquil realm, and you will observe their resilience.
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Hearken ye unto my tale of a wondrous existence! I will impart unto thee many yarns of the marvelous Planet Lanstrum, its rise and fall, and struggle to rise once more. You shall learn of gods and men, of an idyllic planet thwarted by corruption. You will bear witness to the great patriarchs and matriarchs of a once tranquil realm, and you will observe their resilience.
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Add this copy of The Urenzi Chronicles to cart. $15.08, new condition, Sold by Redux Books rated 5.0 out of 5 stars, ships from Wyoming, MI, UNITED STATES, published 2020 by BookBaby.