"The Unintended Traveler" is a thrilling science fiction novel that takes readers on an unforgettable journey through an alternate reality. When Walter Briggs, a business analyst from San Francisco, mysteriously awakens in a parallel reality, his first reaction is that he must be dreaming. But as time goes by, he realizes this is no dream and his new world is nothing like home. After unexpectedly running into his ex-girlfriend, Sarah Thomas, they become entangled in an experience that threatens to unravel everything they ...
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"The Unintended Traveler" is a thrilling science fiction novel that takes readers on an unforgettable journey through an alternate reality. When Walter Briggs, a business analyst from San Francisco, mysteriously awakens in a parallel reality, his first reaction is that he must be dreaming. But as time goes by, he realizes this is no dream and his new world is nothing like home. After unexpectedly running into his ex-girlfriend, Sarah Thomas, they become entangled in an experience that threatens to unravel everything they know.
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