Inspired by the satirical black comedy Man Bites Dog, emerging film director Thomas C. Dunn's feature debut tells the tale of a young documentary filmmaker who inadvertently captures a murder on camera, and unwisely attempts to blackmail the murderer into becoming the subject of a film designed to become the be-all-end-all of true crime docs. Wes Bentley, Joanne Baron, and Mark Borkowski star. Jason Buchanan, Rovi
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Inspired by the satirical black comedy Man Bites Dog, emerging film director Thomas C. Dunn's feature debut tells the tale of a young documentary filmmaker who inadvertently captures a murder on camera, and unwisely attempts to blackmail the murderer into becoming the subject of a film designed to become the be-all-end-all of true crime docs. Wes Bentley, Joanne Baron, and Mark Borkowski star. Jason Buchanan, Rovi
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