In this delightful sequel to Aditi and the One-Eyed Monkey , the postal parrot brings a cryptic letter for 'Aditi and Friends' -- an urgent call for help from London! There's an urgent call for help from London, and Aditi and her friends--the One-eyed monkey, Elephant and Ant--fly off on the back of their new friend, the Dragon. There they discover that the River Thames is being slowly poisoned... and the River Dragon who lives in it is dying. Something has to be done quickly. And what they do lands them on primetime ...
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In this delightful sequel to Aditi and the One-Eyed Monkey , the postal parrot brings a cryptic letter for 'Aditi and Friends' -- an urgent call for help from London! There's an urgent call for help from London, and Aditi and her friends--the One-eyed monkey, Elephant and Ant--fly off on the back of their new friend, the Dragon. There they discover that the River Thames is being slowly poisoned... and the River Dragon who lives in it is dying. Something has to be done quickly. And what they do lands them on primetime television news! How do you explain things to those who won't listen? Are "real" dragons different than "unreal" ones? Suniti Namjoshi weaves fantasy, philosophy and feeling deftly into a story that will keep readers enthralled.
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