This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1823 edition. Excerpt: ...of this act, farming, .egi_ shall meet at their respective courthouses on some day in mam, i, m, _ the month of March or April next, to be appointed by lions and comthe commanding otficers of regiments, then and there to P""'5" divide their respective counties into districts for the purpose of forming the ...
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This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1823 edition. Excerpt: ...of this act, farming, .egi_ shall meet at their respective courthouses on some day in mam, i, m, _ the month of March or April next, to be appointed by lions and comthe commanding otficers of regiments, then and there to P""'5" divide their respective counties into districts for the purpose of forming the regiments, battalions, and companies, by this act established; which districts so laid off shall be designated by certain lines and bounds to be established by them, and recorded by the clerks of the courts-martial respectively, herein-after to be appointed. Seer. IO. find be itfurther enacted, That it shall be Companies to the duty of the commanding officers of each company so be 1_i'_il@1 1"inrolled, to proceed forthwith to divide his company in-' d""s'"s' to divisions by ballot from one to ten, for the purpose of a regular rotine of duty when called into actual service, and shall return a roster of each division and its number in rotation, within fifteen days, to the commanding ofiicer of his battalion, who shall forthwith transmit the same to the commanding ofiicer of the regiment, who shall order the same to be recorded by the clerk of the court-martial. The same regulations shall be observed by every commanding oflicer of a company, battalion, and regiment on the subsequent inrollment of any person therein, unless such person shall produce a certificate of his having been before drauglited for the above purpose, in which case he shall be inrolled accordingly. of the council of state; judges of the superior courts; cents'PP!@1fl'" speakers and clerks of both houses of the General As-m'l"'" duty' sembly; the clerks of the superior and inferior courts; th
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