"This writer has worked full time on the authorship of the Hebrew Scriptures for twenty-four years--but not until after twenty-three and one-half years was the Shaphan group discovery made. In retrospect, it seems likely that other things had to precede that finding. In rough chronological order these have been: Second Isaiah's identity, coded spelling, athbash multiplication, Ezra's proper era, Word Links, Babylon's use of substitute kings, the Suffering Servant's name, Jehoiachin's fate, anagrams, the Cyrus revolt, the P ...
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"This writer has worked full time on the authorship of the Hebrew Scriptures for twenty-four years--but not until after twenty-three and one-half years was the Shaphan group discovery made. In retrospect, it seems likely that other things had to precede that finding. In rough chronological order these have been: Second Isaiah's identity, coded spelling, athbash multiplication, Ezra's proper era, Word Links, Babylon's use of substitute kings, the Suffering Servant's name, Jehoiachin's fate, anagrams, the Cyrus revolt, the P Source's name, and the Ezra-Jozadak rivalry."--Pref p. ix.
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