Saturn is an ordinary woman with unknown, extraordinary, dormant magickal abilities. Her life takes an unexpected turn when she relocates to San Francisco, where she encounters Miles, a man caught between love and a coven's sinister agenda. Saturn's journey leads her through the lands of love, betrayal, and self-discovery. As she unravels her hidden powers and delves deep into her family's magickal heritage, she becomes a central figure and a force to be reckoned with in a cosmic conflict. Her awakening to her true destiny ...
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Saturn is an ordinary woman with unknown, extraordinary, dormant magickal abilities. Her life takes an unexpected turn when she relocates to San Francisco, where she encounters Miles, a man caught between love and a coven's sinister agenda. Saturn's journey leads her through the lands of love, betrayal, and self-discovery. As she unravels her hidden powers and delves deep into her family's magickal heritage, she becomes a central figure and a force to be reckoned with in a cosmic conflict. Her awakening to her true destiny transforms her life, challenges her beliefs, and takes her on a spellbinding adventure.
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