In this contemporary tale detailing a two-week trip that explores intercountry adoption from South Korea, twin sisters travel to their birth city of Seoul in search of their Korean family. Little incidents along the way serve as a catalyst that leads them into a worldwide modern-day adoptee-rights movement seeking truth and transparency. In 2004, Vance discovered the commodification and profits made by evangelical adoption agencies, motivating her to investigate the 1954 Adoption Program spearheaded by Harry Holt in Korea. ...
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In this contemporary tale detailing a two-week trip that explores intercountry adoption from South Korea, twin sisters travel to their birth city of Seoul in search of their Korean family. Little incidents along the way serve as a catalyst that leads them into a worldwide modern-day adoptee-rights movement seeking truth and transparency. In 2004, Vance discovered the commodification and profits made by evangelical adoption agencies, motivating her to investigate the 1954 Adoption Program spearheaded by Harry Holt in Korea. Janine and her twin, also known as the "Vance Twins," established one of the largest adoptee-led forums on social media and were the first to invite adopted people, families separated-by-adoption, and parents-of-loss together to discuss adoption. This forum flipped the script on adoption in 2011 to include the voices of adoptees from Europe, the Americas, Asia, and Africa. The Vance Twins have since been at the forefront of spreading awareness on the issue of adoption trafficking.
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