This is the heartwarming story of Queen Elizabeth Miller, the daughter of former slaves who rescued abandoned, abused children and gave them a home in the Staunton, Virginia orphanage she and her husband, William, had created. In 1955, shortly before her death, Miller was interviewed by Audrey Blackford, who presents those interviews here, in this inspiring account of a woman whose capacity for love was boundless. This revised edition of the 1961 original features a new foreword by Charles Culbertson and a section of ...
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This is the heartwarming story of Queen Elizabeth Miller, the daughter of former slaves who rescued abandoned, abused children and gave them a home in the Staunton, Virginia orphanage she and her husband, William, had created. In 1955, shortly before her death, Miller was interviewed by Audrey Blackford, who presents those interviews here, in this inspiring account of a woman whose capacity for love was boundless. This revised edition of the 1961 original features a new foreword by Charles Culbertson and a section of photographs.
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