This sequel to Bennett's remarkable debut "The Lily and the Sword" is a breathtaking tale of the medieval Lady Rose, independent mistress of Somerford, who reluctantly agrees to hire a bold Viking warrior, Gunnar Olafson, and his mercenaries to protect her undefended lands. But Gunnar is not what he seems. Although he is sworn to betray her, he discovers Rose's love is what he truly desires.
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This sequel to Bennett's remarkable debut "The Lily and the Sword" is a breathtaking tale of the medieval Lady Rose, independent mistress of Somerford, who reluctantly agrees to hire a bold Viking warrior, Gunnar Olafson, and his mercenaries to protect her undefended lands. But Gunnar is not what he seems. Although he is sworn to betray her, he discovers Rose's love is what he truly desires.
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