Bruce Barry's evangelical Christian animated series Roach Approach features a colorful band of cartoon roaches, including Grandpa Lou, Grandma Nana, and the misfit Squiggz the Roach (the star of the proceedings), who spend episodes learning valuable insights about God and Jesus as they walk through Biblical stories. The episode Roach Approach: A Hairy Situation finds those loveable Roach Rangers working toward their merit badges. Cosmo thinks he's forever limited to being an egghead - and falling flat on his face in sports ...
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Bruce Barry's evangelical Christian animated series Roach Approach features a colorful band of cartoon roaches, including Grandpa Lou, Grandma Nana, and the misfit Squiggz the Roach (the star of the proceedings), who spend episodes learning valuable insights about God and Jesus as they walk through Biblical stories. The episode Roach Approach: A Hairy Situation finds those loveable Roach Rangers working toward their merit badges. Cosmo thinks he's forever limited to being an egghead - and falling flat on his face in sports - until he obtains his bulging muscles badge and finds that it comes with a hidden benefit: seemingly limitless athletic prowess. This convinces Cosmo to confront the neighborhood tough, head-on (and sacrifice his roach pals, Squiggz and Flutter, in the process) - until Grandpa Lou tells him the story of Samson, who insisted on believing that his strength came from his hair and not from God. Ultimately, Cosmo loses his badge before he comes to recognize the genuine source of his power. Nathan Southern, Rovi
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