This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1894 Excerpt: ... Jane. E. I. Traveling as a Fine Art. Hulda Friederichs. YW. Truss, a New Type of, JAES. Mi'.y. University Extension, The Farce of, C. Whibley. NC. University Extension in Oxford and the Non Collegiate Sys-tem, ChQ. Vivisection Controversy, R. F. Clarke. DR, July. Volunteers: Our Volunteer Army, USM. Wales: The Attack ...
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This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1894 Excerpt: ... Jane. E. I. Traveling as a Fine Art. Hulda Friederichs. YW. Truss, a New Type of, JAES. Mi'.y. University Extension, The Farce of, C. Whibley. NC. University Extension in Oxford and the Non Collegiate Sys-tem, ChQ. Vivisection Controversy, R. F. Clarke. DR, July. Volunteers: Our Volunteer Army, USM. Wales: The Attack on the Church, QR, July. War and Peace: Proposed Arrest of Armaments, RRL. Washington Before the War, M. E. W. Sherwood. Lipp. Washington as a Spectacle, F. Marion Crawford, CM. Water Supply, LQ, July. Weather: Cloud. Fog and Haze, J. G. McPherson. GM. Wel-h Church. The Attack on the. QR, July. Windermere, Herbert Grayle, LudM. Witch of Endor and Professor Huxley, Andrew Lang. CR. Wordsworth, A Century of, Edith Capper, SunH Women: Four Women Writers of the West, Mary J. Reid, OM. Women Novelists in Italy at the Present Day, Mary Har-grave, GM. A vision of Fair Women. Mrs. Orpen. Ata. The Position of Worn n in Industry, NatR. Feminine Phases, Thomas S. Jarvis. Lipp. Woman Suffrage and Law Enforcement. Clarence Greelev. LAH, July. Right and Expediency of Woman Suffrage, George F. Hoar, CM. Wrongs and Perils of Woman Suffrage, J. M. Buckley, CM. The Maid of Orleans and the New Womanhood. ACQ, July. How Can I Earn My Living? Miss Billington. YW. In a Woman's Doss-House. T. Sparrow. iewR. The American Sportswoman, Miss Barney. FR. Women's Need of Legislative Protection, SEcon. Cycling for Girls, B. w. Richardson. YW. Women as Wage-Earners, D. M. Morrell. HC. Yachting: The New York Yacht Club. A. J. Kennealy, O. Among the Yachtsmen, W. J. Gordon, LH. York Minster, Dean Pucey-Cust, GW. The Review Of Reviews is, in the best sense, an illustrated history of the times, and as such is pre-eminently worthy of preservation in well-bound volumes. Comp...
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