(Meredith Music Resource). This nuts-and-bolts collection of essential concepts for successful ensemble directors, like the author's The Pursuit of Excellence: A Band Director's Guide to Success, is comprised of short, easy-to-read chapters. The book's multiple sections focus on musical excellence, professional excellence, auditioning, domestic and international travel and inspirational quotes. The author, a highly successful high school band director for 37 years, addresses a wide variety of topics including: ensemble ...
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(Meredith Music Resource). This nuts-and-bolts collection of essential concepts for successful ensemble directors, like the author's The Pursuit of Excellence: A Band Director's Guide to Success, is comprised of short, easy-to-read chapters. The book's multiple sections focus on musical excellence, professional excellence, auditioning, domestic and international travel and inspirational quotes. The author, a highly successful high school band director for 37 years, addresses a wide variety of topics including: ensemble balance * commissioning * preventing teacher burnout * breathing and tone production * organization * 100+ life skills learned or reinforced through instrumental music * managing multiple levels in ensemble classes * teaching instrumentalists to sing * fundraising and keeping track of funds * an easy approach to sight reading * practicing * programming suggestions * the value of silence in music * developing the percussion section * ten common mistakes to avoid at assessment * establishing and maintaining trust.
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