Inspired by true events, this fast-paced thriller takes us to the Transylvanian Carpathian Mountains and introduces us to the underworld of professional pit bull fighting rings and international drug trafficking. The story follows the adventures of three friends who played together on the streets of Galati, by the Danube River, under the shadow of Ceausescu's communist regime. The boys grow to be men; and their playground changes. In post-communist Romania, whatever innocence they had as children is lost yet their loyalty ...
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Inspired by true events, this fast-paced thriller takes us to the Transylvanian Carpathian Mountains and introduces us to the underworld of professional pit bull fighting rings and international drug trafficking. The story follows the adventures of three friends who played together on the streets of Galati, by the Danube River, under the shadow of Ceausescu's communist regime. The boys grow to be men; and their playground changes. In post-communist Romania, whatever innocence they had as children is lost yet their loyalty to each other remains. Radu, volatile and violent, makes his home deep in the dark forests of Transylvania, far from the civilized world he despises. His one passion is for pit bulls; his dream to breed and train a champion fighter. Lorin lives in Bucharest. The mildest in temperament of the three, his work as a drug dealer necessitates he keeps his finger on the pulse; his love for his woman an anchor in an insane world. Stefan, the porn star, self-indulgent and aloof, moves to Prague, where he can indulge his wild side in a more liberal culture. From the back alleys of Lima, Peru, to the underground erotica of Berlin, the three money-driven friends thrive on adrenaline and testosterone, taking no prisoners as they struggle with love, sex, betrayal, and loyalty. This men's own adventure is an eye-opener, taking readers to an underworld they have only ever heard of.
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