John Bunyan's classic story is filled with drama, excitement and adventure. On his journey of a life-time to the City of Gold, Christian meets an extraordinary cast of characters, such as the terrible Giant Despair and the monster Apollyon. Together with Hopeful, his steadfast companion, he survives the snipers and mantraps, the Great Bog, Vanity Fair, Lucre Hill and Castle Doubting. But will he find the courage to cross the final river to the City of Gold and his salvation? The illustrator: Jason Cockcroft is one of Hodder ...
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John Bunyan's classic story is filled with drama, excitement and adventure. On his journey of a life-time to the City of Gold, Christian meets an extraordinary cast of characters, such as the terrible Giant Despair and the monster Apollyon. Together with Hopeful, his steadfast companion, he survives the snipers and mantraps, the Great Bog, Vanity Fair, Lucre Hill and Castle Doubting. But will he find the courage to cross the final river to the City of Gold and his salvation? The illustrator: Jason Cockcroft is one of Hodder's most talented new illustrators. He has collaborated with Helen Cresswell and Geraldine McCaughrean, illustrating Sophie and the Sea Wolf and Never Let Go respectively. Both titles are published by Hodder Children's Books. He is fast gaining recognition within the trade and international markets.
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