"Presented by the Horror Writers Association, this collection of classic short stories were written by iconic author-and creator of Sherlock Holmes-Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Classic stories of horror and terror include: The Parasite, The Mystery of Sasassa Valley, J. Habakuk Jephson's Statement, The Captain of the "Pole-Star," The Great Keinplatz Experiment, The Ring of Thoth, The Bully of Brocas Court, Selecting a Ghost, and How it Happened"--
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"Presented by the Horror Writers Association, this collection of classic short stories were written by iconic author-and creator of Sherlock Holmes-Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Classic stories of horror and terror include: The Parasite, The Mystery of Sasassa Valley, J. Habakuk Jephson's Statement, The Captain of the "Pole-Star," The Great Keinplatz Experiment, The Ring of Thoth, The Bully of Brocas Court, Selecting a Ghost, and How it Happened"--
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