The Oxfam Handbook of Development and Relief
The Nomadic Vision for Life (NOVIL) strives to integrated community health programme, so as to improve the living standards of the poor pastoralists and agro-pastoralists, through proper hygiene and sustainable community development projects. It is focus on overall health care and support programme integrated interventions. Programme will be implemented in an integral manner, with more emphasis on the interventions that will mitigate the spread of communicable diseases, by ensuring proper and adequate community based measures. The main focus for then underplayed strategies and support programme is intended to empower the vulnerable people and agro-pastoralists communities, to effectively mitigate and manage the adverse effects of Tropical Diseases. All intervention under the programme is intended to establish sustainable livelihoods, which are geared towards reduction of vulnerabilities of communities to hazardous of the pandemic. Nomadic Vision for Life (NOVIL) is a non-political, non-profit but welfare oriented organization that rejects any form of discrimination. It will serve to alleviate poverty and enhance moral values. It shall be devoted to see nomads blossom Kenya being a country of multi-ethnic and multi-region, the society shall endeavor to foster the spirit of peaceful co-existence and discourage religious interference amount of various Nomadic communities in the nation.