consciousness & the vestigial bicameral mind
Hey, this is suppressed information. The "establishment" doesn't want you to read this book.
Oh, they're not worried, really, about you reading it because there are so few that will tackle the insights Julian Jaynes offers us.
In his book, The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind (1976), Jaynes points the way to understanding how easily it is to manipulate the bulk of us. 25 years before Jaynes' book, the behaviorists came up with a parallel understanding of 'consciousness,' or HOW TO MANIPULATE IT, rather.
Leon Festinger's book A Theory of Cognitive Dissonance demonstrated how ruling elites could create collective cognitions that would be imperative for the deceived masses to adhere to (think Leo Strauss and E. Bernays). Jaynes doesn't look at the dark side, but very importantly demonstrates the recent evolution of consciousness (post 1628 BC, my guess), and how we are so easily manipulated (via our vestigial bicameral mind, a hypnotic-like state in which we surrender to a trusted authority). Jaynes' book is worth reading.