The New Third Music Reader: Based Largely Upon C. H. Hohmann, Showing the Harmonic Relations of Sounds, with Two-Part and Three-Part Exercises and Songs, and Directions to Teachers
The New Third Music Reader: Based Largely Upon C. H. Hohmann, Showing the Harmonic Relations of Sounds, with Two-Part and Three-Part Exercises and Songs, and Directions to Teachers
This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1886 Excerpt: ...i-cy peaks, That rise so! 2. Be-hold the dar-ing ea-gle soar, Slow cir-cling grand and high! The tray-'ler, climb-ing, vain-ly seeks To thro' the skies! He wheels a-bove the moun-tains hoar, So it I; j n n;i/ come your sum-mits nigh; In haste to greet the morn-ing bold-ly high he flies; Ma-jes-tic ice-fields, pure and ...
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This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1886 Excerpt: ...i-cy peaks, That rise so! 2. Be-hold the dar-ing ea-gle soar, Slow cir-cling grand and high! The tray-'ler, climb-ing, vain-ly seeks To thro' the skies! He wheels a-bove the moun-tains hoar, So it I; j n n;i/ come your sum-mits nigh; In haste to greet the morn-ing bold-ly high he flies; Ma-jes-tic ice-fields, pure and light, Far up the height he goes; The snows are shin-ing white, In-spir-ing heart and voice, In free-dom on the To-sy bright, As sun-rise warm-ly glows, As moun-tain height, We'll sing, Re-joice, re-joice, We'll m t a fau i ii sun-rise warm-ly glows, sing, Re-joice, re joice! FLY, LITTLE BIRD. Danish. P. E. Hartmann. MODERATO. 7 1. Fly, lit-tle bird, o'er the lake's shin-ing wa-ters, 2. Fly, lit-tle bird, o'er the wa-ters wild foam-ing, TT r p f Soon cometh night-fall so grey; Deep breathes the night its last sigh; sinks by the for-est, Gone is the sweet light of day. fear to each oth-er, Near them the an-gry clouds fly; Hur-ry, then, homewards--your mate's fond-ly yearn-ing-Think of your nest-lings and haste to their call-ing, 1. Thanks be to God I Give thanks un-to God, For He is 2. Bless ye the Lord, Oh, bless ye the Lord, With all your good! His mer-cies shall en-dure for ev-er-more, En-dure for soul! Make men-tion of His kind-ness un-to you, His kindness ev-er-more, En-dure for ev-er-more. un-to you, His kind-ness un-to you. Prompted by Pope Gregory IX, King Valdemar fhe Conqueror undertook an expedition to Esthonia for the purpose of converting the heathens there to Christianity, 1219. The Danes were almost defeated, when, as states the legend, the Dann.ebrog-ha.nneT fell from heaven, and raised them to victory. This saying undoubtedly arose from the fact that the Pope gave Valdemar for this undertaking a "holy banner"--. blood-r...
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All Editions of The New Third Music Reader: Based Largely Upon C. H. Hohmann, Showing the Harmonic Relations of Sounds, with Two-Part and Three-Part Exercises and Songs, and Directions to Teachers