In the thrilling second installment of the Emma Hobbit: You Are Lost Series, Emma embarks on a daring adventure during the icy chill of Christmas break. A fiery car crash has disrupted the tranquility of Lick Skillet, thrusting Emma into a world of mystery and suspense. Struggling to improve her grades in math and history, Emma's life takes a dramatic turn and leads her to the eerie abandoned Mitchell House on Maple Street. Determining to keep her rescue dog despite his escaping, Emma stumbles upon the great mystery of the ...
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In the thrilling second installment of the Emma Hobbit: You Are Lost Series, Emma embarks on a daring adventure during the icy chill of Christmas break. A fiery car crash has disrupted the tranquility of Lick Skillet, thrusting Emma into a world of mystery and suspense. Struggling to improve her grades in math and history, Emma's life takes a dramatic turn and leads her to the eerie abandoned Mitchell House on Maple Street. Determining to keep her rescue dog despite his escaping, Emma stumbles upon the great mystery of the lost boy rumored to be hiding in town. United with her friends-cunning Jack Cleverton, brainy Sebastian Wisconsin, and spirited Harper Hensley-Emma digs into the hidden secrets of the house. What begins as a chase after a runaway dog transforms into a quest for truth beneath the creaking floors and dusty shadows of the Mitchell House. As the group deciphers clues and navigates the twists and turns of their investigation, they uncover a story that intertwines with Lick Skillet's history. This journey will test their courage and wits, but the discovery they make will light up their holiday season with an unforgettable glow. Emma and her friends are not just chasing shadows this Christmas-they are learning that some mysteries are vital in bringing lost souls home. Perfect for middle school readers, "The Mystery of Sneaky Paws" blends suspense with the warmth of friendship and the magic of discovering hidden treasures in the least expected places. Join Emma and her crew as they uncover the past and learn that every heart, whether small, four-pawed, or forgotten, deserves a chance to be found and cherished.
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PLEASE NOTE, WE DO NOT SHIP TO DENMARK. New Book. Shipped from UK in 4 to 14 days. Established seller since 2000. Please note we cannot offer an expedited shipping service from the UK.
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PLEASE NOTE, WE DO NOT SHIP TO DENMARK. New Book. Shipped from UK in 4 to 14 days. Established seller since 2000. Please note we cannot offer an expedited shipping service from the UK.