Michael Jennings is a shaman of the natural world, a shaman who is gifted with the miracle of the written word. In this new collection, as in his previous books, Jennings, like the late Ted Hughes, is especially effective in capturing the deepest essence of animals. He writes of geese rising, "finding their bearings, gathering the sun's power / into their left eye and along their immaculate, outstretched / identical bodies...," of a hawk's "granite facemask / blank as an angel's," and a Horned Owl, the poet sees as a ".. ...
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Michael Jennings is a shaman of the natural world, a shaman who is gifted with the miracle of the written word. In this new collection, as in his previous books, Jennings, like the late Ted Hughes, is especially effective in capturing the deepest essence of animals. He writes of geese rising, "finding their bearings, gathering the sun's power / into their left eye and along their immaculate, outstretched / identical bodies...," of a hawk's "granite facemask / blank as an angel's," and a Horned Owl, the poet sees as a "...bleary buccaneer, age-ridden / and world-weary / in the circling forest of blood and thunder." The Moon's Children is a stunning poetic achievement. -Larry D. Thomas, Member Texas Institute of Letters, 2008 Texas Poet Laureate His gift is to reflect the immensity of life, both exterior and interior. -Susan Deer Cloud, Stone Canoe
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