This groundbreaking classic of educational philosophy takes on urgent new necessity today, as "traditional" methods of early-childhood schooling seem to be failing us. Published in Italian in 1909 and first translated into English in 1912, these still-revolutionary theories focus on the individuality of the child and on nurturing her inherent joy of learning to create schools and other learning environments that are oriented on the child. Eschewing rote memorization and drilling, Montessori's method helps to foster abstract ...
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This groundbreaking classic of educational philosophy takes on urgent new necessity today, as "traditional" methods of early-childhood schooling seem to be failing us. Published in Italian in 1909 and first translated into English in 1912, these still-revolutionary theories focus on the individuality of the child and on nurturing her inherent joy of learning to create schools and other learning environments that are oriented on the child. Eschewing rote memorization and drilling, Montessori's method helps to foster abstract thinking and to fulfill a child's highest potential, emotionally, physically and intellectually. Parents from all walks of life will find the ideas herein immensely valuable.Translated from the Italian in 1912 by Anne E. George.
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