Literary Titan
The Mistaken Monster follows a trio of children on a holiday in the country. As children often do they get bored and wander off and onto a property that is off limits. While on the property they discover a scary monster using torture devices. The children run off, but things are not what they seem and the truth is surprising yet charming and leaves readers with a warm feeling at the end of the story.
This is a delightful mystery short story that young readers will surely enjoy. The story is told in simple words and relatable language that enables young readers to follow along, but also inspires the imagination. When the kids first encounter the 'monster' I loved how the story shows how kids perceive the world as opposed to what reality is. This story does a wonderful job of capturing what it is like to be a kid and how the world is different and more adventurous when you are younger.
The Mistaken MonsterÃ? is a fun short story that takes readers on an entertaining and imaginative adventure with a sweet ending.