The Mehul Odyssey is a suspenseful geopolitical thriller fiction that deals with a violent and painful condition of an economically and socially discriminated province of more than 12 million people in South Assuwa. This proved costly for the federal nation created seven decades ago simply based on religion. The lack of respect for law, constitution, propriety, women and education saw this federation nurturing and exporting fanatic Islamist terrorism to the world. A strategic intervention by a formal strategic-cum ...
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The Mehul Odyssey is a suspenseful geopolitical thriller fiction that deals with a violent and painful condition of an economically and socially discriminated province of more than 12 million people in South Assuwa. This proved costly for the federal nation created seven decades ago simply based on religion. The lack of respect for law, constitution, propriety, women and education saw this federation nurturing and exporting fanatic Islamist terrorism to the world. A strategic intervention by a formal strategic-cum-military agency chartered out a framework to resurrect this failed state after neutralizing a seemingly unnecessary commercial aggression and military jingoism of a superpower active in the Erythraean Ocean region. The story moves around crime, love, bomb blasts, murder, blackmail, narcotics and commando invasion. It's a thrilling experience of sanitizing a nation 'from-within' and undertaking quantum metamorphosis to establish ethical egalitarian governance through non-violent liberal democracy.
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