In the aftermath of World War Two, Alec McCrae is the most hated American anywhere: he acted as intelligence officer for the Japanese and tortured American prisoners, sending thousands to forced-labour gangs. McCrae has managed to elude his pursuers for six years - but when he and his associates are finally exposed and confronted on a flight bound for Australia, he causes the plane to crash-land on a deserted Pacific island. And if the fugitives are to remain free, they will have to murder all the surviving crew and ...
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In the aftermath of World War Two, Alec McCrae is the most hated American anywhere: he acted as intelligence officer for the Japanese and tortured American prisoners, sending thousands to forced-labour gangs. McCrae has managed to elude his pursuers for six years - but when he and his associates are finally exposed and confronted on a flight bound for Australia, he causes the plane to crash-land on a deserted Pacific island. And if the fugitives are to remain free, they will have to murder all the surviving crew and passengers...
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