One of the most popular Disney animated musicals, The Lion King presents the story of a lion cub's journey to adulthood and acceptance of his royal destiny. Simba (voiced first by Jonathan Taylor Thomas, then by Matthew Broderick) begins life as an honored prince, the son of the powerful King Mufasa (voiced by James Earl Jones). The cub's happy childhood turns tragic when his evil uncle, Scar (voiced by Jeremy Irons), murders Mufasa and drives Simba away from the kingdom. In exile, the young lion befriends the comically ...
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One of the most popular Disney animated musicals, The Lion King presents the story of a lion cub's journey to adulthood and acceptance of his royal destiny. Simba (voiced first by Jonathan Taylor Thomas, then by Matthew Broderick) begins life as an honored prince, the son of the powerful King Mufasa (voiced by James Earl Jones). The cub's happy childhood turns tragic when his evil uncle, Scar (voiced by Jeremy Irons), murders Mufasa and drives Simba away from the kingdom. In exile, the young lion befriends the comically bumbling pair of Pumbaa the warthog (voiced by Ernie Sabella) and Timon the meerkat (voiced by Nathan Lane), he and lives a carefree jungle life. As he approaches adulthood, however, he is visited by the spirit of his father, who instructs him to defeat the nefarious Scar and reclaim his rightful throne. Borrowing elements from Hamlet, classical mythology, and African folk tales, The Lion King tells its mythic coming-of-age tale with a combination of spectacular visuals and lively music, featuring light, rhythmic songs by Elton John and Tim Rice, and a score by Hans Zimmer. Embraced by children and adults alike, the film also spawned hit songs ("Can You Feel the Love Tonight," "The Circle of Life") and a hit Broadway musical. In late 2002, The Lion King was re-released in the large-screen IMAX format. Judd Blaise, Rovi
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Add this copy of The Lion King: Original Motion Picture Soundtrack to cart. $3.99, good condition, Sold by Zoom Books Company rated 5.0 out of 5 stars, ships from Lynden, WA, UNITED STATES.
Add this copy of The Lion King (Two-Disc Diamond Edition Blu-Ray / Dvd to cart. $4.27, fair condition, Sold by Goodwill of Greater Milwaukee rated 5.0 out of 5 stars, ships from Milwaukee, WI, UNITED STATES, published 2011.
Add this copy of The Lion King (Two-Disc Platinum Edition) to cart. $4.46, good condition, Sold by Goodwill of Greater Milwaukee rated 5.0 out of 5 stars, ships from Milwaukee, WI, UNITED STATES.
Add this copy of The Lion King (Two-Disc Platinum Edition) to cart. $4.46, fair condition, Sold by Goodwill of Greater Milwaukee rated 5.0 out of 5 stars, ships from Milwaukee, WI, UNITED STATES, published 2003.
Add this copy of The Lion King to cart. $4.57, fair condition, Sold by Goodwill of Greater Milwaukee rated 5.0 out of 5 stars, ships from Milwaukee, WI, UNITED STATES, published 2011.
Add this copy of Disney: Best of the Lion King to cart. $4.58, good condition, Sold by Dream Books Co. rated 5.0 out of 5 stars, ships from Denver, CO, UNITED STATES.
Add this copy of The Lion King to cart. $4.95, good condition, Sold by Goodwill of Greater Milwaukee rated 5.0 out of 5 stars, ships from Milwaukee, WI, UNITED STATES.
Add this copy of The Lion King [Dvd] to cart. $4.95, fair condition, Sold by Goodwill of Greater Milwaukee rated 5.0 out of 5 stars, ships from Milwaukee, WI, UNITED STATES, published 2017.
Add this copy of The Lion King: Special Edition to cart. $5.25, fair condition, Sold by Goodwill of Greater Milwaukee rated 5.0 out of 5 stars, ships from Milwaukee, WI, UNITED STATES.
Add this copy of The Lion King (Two-Disc Platinum Edition) to cart. $5.26, good condition, Sold by Dream Books Co. rated 5.0 out of 5 stars, ships from Denver, CO, UNITED STATES, published 2003.
I always found this movie to be enjoyable, I agree there is violence and when my son was young and asked I explained that there is always evil in the world, yet good should always be sought. The movie has great music, visuals and script. It cover all the human emotions and i still love it to this day. if we were to use this as violent we would have to say that,dating back to my youth, most kids shows are violent, the turtle, power rangers and the list goes on and on. All in all Lion King is an excellent with lessons of life to be discussed with children and morals, love, wonderful script and visuals.
Suzanne M
Jul 29, 2010
My grandson and I love watching this DVD. The animation is wonderful and the music stays with you. I also have the CD that my 3 year old grandson listens in the car. The characters names are fun to say as well. Would recommend this DVD to any child.
Jan 7, 2010
This is my favorite children's movie! I still remember every word to every song and I could watch it over and over again. To be honest my roommate and I brought it to our dorm and watched it a million times over the course of the year. :)
Nov 19, 2009
For children an Adults
Whether you are young or old, this movie is for you! A fabulous story and catchy songs. As well as a message for all: "Remember who you are".
Oct 7, 2009
A must see!
This is a really good movie that has it all - music, murder, comedy, romance and coming of age. Excellent to watch with kids.