"The Legend of The Dancing Trees" is the story of Kalil Taylor, a young man growing up in 1960's Mississippi. The story follows Kalil's special (or should we say "magical") relationship with his grandfather, and how that relationship leads him to the discovery of an old African-American legend. Kalil's desire to learn more about the legend leads him into various situations and takes him on a journey into the lives of these former slaves, but helps give him an understanding of who we are as a people and how we evolved into ...
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"The Legend of The Dancing Trees" is the story of Kalil Taylor, a young man growing up in 1960's Mississippi. The story follows Kalil's special (or should we say "magical") relationship with his grandfather, and how that relationship leads him to the discovery of an old African-American legend. Kalil's desire to learn more about the legend leads him into various situations and takes him on a journey into the lives of these former slaves, but helps give him an understanding of who we are as a people and how we evolved into who we are.
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