In late 2007 and early 2008, world-renowned historians gathered in Kansas City for a series of public forums on World War I. Each of the five events focused on a particular topic and featured spirited dialogue between its prominent participants. In spontaneous exchanges, the eminent scholars addressed the following topics: the origins of the war, the nature of generalship and military command, the private soldiers experiences of combat, the peace-making process, and the long-term cultural consequences of the war.
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In late 2007 and early 2008, world-renowned historians gathered in Kansas City for a series of public forums on World War I. Each of the five events focused on a particular topic and featured spirited dialogue between its prominent participants. In spontaneous exchanges, the eminent scholars addressed the following topics: the origins of the war, the nature of generalship and military command, the private soldiers experiences of combat, the peace-making process, and the long-term cultural consequences of the war.
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