The Kennedy Trilogy is a political thriller series based on the three major crises of the Kennedy era - Berlin 1961, Cuba 1962, and Dallas 1963 - as witnessed factually in the Oval Office and fictionally by a young CIA agent. Book 1 of The Kennedy Trilogy: Berlin 1961 In this exciting political thriller trilogy, factual events are interwoven in an exciting fictional plot.While the construction of the Berlin Wall challenges JFK with the first major crisis of his Presidency, young CIA agent Philip Marsden is sent on his ...
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The Kennedy Trilogy is a political thriller series based on the three major crises of the Kennedy era - Berlin 1961, Cuba 1962, and Dallas 1963 - as witnessed factually in the Oval Office and fictionally by a young CIA agent. Book 1 of The Kennedy Trilogy: Berlin 1961 In this exciting political thriller trilogy, factual events are interwoven in an exciting fictional plot.While the construction of the Berlin Wall challenges JFK with the first major crisis of his Presidency, young CIA agent Philip Marsden is sent on his first mission across into East Berlin. While the tanks face off at Checkpoint Charlie, he uncovers the difficult truth about his Russian-born mother.
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