In the eerie town of Stonebrook, nestled amidst the mist-shrouded mountains, an ancient curse lies dormant, waiting to be awakened. For centuries, the townspeople have lived in uneasy peace, unaware of the malevolent gargoyles that adorn their buildings. But when a group of curious archaeologists arrives to unearth the town's mysterious past, they inadvertently unleash an unspeakable horror.
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In the eerie town of Stonebrook, nestled amidst the mist-shrouded mountains, an ancient curse lies dormant, waiting to be awakened. For centuries, the townspeople have lived in uneasy peace, unaware of the malevolent gargoyles that adorn their buildings. But when a group of curious archaeologists arrives to unearth the town's mysterious past, they inadvertently unleash an unspeakable horror.
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