The Flockless Shepherd tells the story of David, who quietly returns to his hometown after failing to establish a music career in Nashville. He avoids all contacts from his past except for his mentor, Jacob, who helps David rise to the top of Buffalo's nightclub scene. With new success and reconciliation with his family on the horizon, tragedy suddenly strikes, and David finds himself lying in a hospital room, nearing death. He makes a promise to God that if He saves his life, David will spend the rest of it serving Him. ...
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The Flockless Shepherd tells the story of David, who quietly returns to his hometown after failing to establish a music career in Nashville. He avoids all contacts from his past except for his mentor, Jacob, who helps David rise to the top of Buffalo's nightclub scene. With new success and reconciliation with his family on the horizon, tragedy suddenly strikes, and David finds himself lying in a hospital room, nearing death. He makes a promise to God that if He saves his life, David will spend the rest of it serving Him. After a miraculous recovery, he is visited by a messenger who tells David that he is being held to his promise. Thus begins a journey that will take David from New York to Georgia and back again, touching the lives of everyone he meets along the way.
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