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The Finder is a thriller with a little bit of everything in it: information theft, illegal immigration, insider trading, the Mexican Mafia, big pharmacy, 9/11, Chinese manipulation of American markets...the list goes on. Harrison has written a very complex thriller with lots of little bits that get tied up fairly neatly in the end.
From the very disgusting death by sewage which opens the novel the action never lets up. A Brooklyn guy--owner of Victor's Victorious Sewarage--who is sorta kinda mobbed up has been contracted to "send a message" to an office cleaning company that may be involved in the theft of information that has sent Good Pharma's stock plummeting. The method he chooses to send his message? Kill--with a mountain of excrement--a carful of workers, girls, guilty of nothing more--besides being in the country illegally--of working for CorpServe, the office cleaning company. Through sheer luck one of the girls, the boss, a beautiful Chinese immigrant named Jin Li escapes, and for the rest of the books she's on the run while pretty much everyone else looks for her.
Who's looking for Jin Li? Her brother and boss, Chen, based out of China running an operation that, in addition to its legal businesses around the world, makes insane amounts of money by using stolen insider information to manipulate European, Asian, and American stocks. Ray Grant, a former firefighter for the NYFD who went down on 9/11, has been out of the country as a freelance relief worker since his recovery, but has recently returned to New York to aid his dying father. And Vic, hauler of sewage, murderer, and wannabe gas station owner.
The action, while centered mainly in New York and Brooklyn, takes some interesting detours around the world as we learn of Ray Grant's and Jin Li's lives in flashback. There is also an excruciating sequence in the rubble of the World Trade Center on 9/11.