The Fight of the Gingerbread Men is a fictional Christmas story for all ages, whose careful verse construction nourishes its content with musicality and tenderness. It is Christmas. Captain Dan and his pirates have decided to invade the village where lives The Bakeman, who is the hero of this story and whose creations will complicate the captain's plans. Debra Hurtado manages with The Fight of the Gingerbread Men to turn an adventure tale into a text that savors the richness of the Spanish language so we may relish this ...
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The Fight of the Gingerbread Men is a fictional Christmas story for all ages, whose careful verse construction nourishes its content with musicality and tenderness. It is Christmas. Captain Dan and his pirates have decided to invade the village where lives The Bakeman, who is the hero of this story and whose creations will complicate the captain's plans. Debra Hurtado manages with The Fight of the Gingerbread Men to turn an adventure tale into a text that savors the richness of the Spanish language so we may relish this Christmas story with our various senses. It is inevitable to want to read aloud this narrative, to recall the aromas and flavors from the bread oven, as well as to imagine that small village by the sea defended by such a special army. The Fight of the Gingerbread Men , an enjoyable read, utilizes such literary devices as prosopopoeia, hyperbaton, polysyndeton and alliteration --giving life to one of those stories that catch us in childhood, that move and surprise us with its simplicity. Why should you read The Fight of the Gingerbread Men ? Because in this well-written tale of Christmas fiction you will find words used with intelligence and grace, with the purpose of touching that part of the soul that enjoys musicality, magic, joy and hope. La batalla de los hombres de jengibre es un relato navide???o de ficci???n para todas las edades, cuya cuidadosa construcci???n en verso nutre su contenido con musicalidad y ternura. Es Navidad. El capit???n Dan y sus piratas han decidido invadir la aldea en la que vive El Panadero, el h???roe de nuestra historia, cuyas creaciones complicar???n los planes del capit???n. Debra Hurtado logra con La batalla de los hombres de jengibre convertir un cuento de aventuras en un texto para saborear la riqueza del espa???ol y disfrutar con varios de nuestros sentidos su lectura de esta ficci???n navide???a. Es inevitable querer leer en voz alta esta narraci???n, rememorar los aromas y sabores que salen del horno, as??? como imaginar esa peque???a aldea junto al mar defendida por un ej???rcito tan especial. La batalla de los hombres de jengibre, lectura amena, recurre a los recursos literarios como la prosopopeya, el hip???rbaton, el polis???ndeton y la aliteraci???n para dar vida a una historia de esas que nos atrapan en la infancia, que nos emocionan y nos sorprenden con su aparente simpleza. ???Por qu??? deber???as leer La batalla de los hombres de jengibre ? Porque en este cuento versado de ficci???n navide???a encontrar???s, palabras usadas con inteligencia y gracia, con la finalidad de tocar esa parte de nuestra alma humana que disfruta de la musicalidad, de la magia, de la alegr???a y de la esperanza.
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