Based on ancient oriental practice, feng shui is now recognized in the West as a form of acupuncture for the home. By balancing invisible lines of energy or "chi" in the environment, you can influence the course and quality of your life. Questionnaires identify areas in your life for improvement, such as wealth, health, love and career. The text thrn goes on to explain how to use the "bagua", or map of energies, to relate these to specific areas of your home to bring about change. With an emphasis on contemporary design, ...
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Based on ancient oriental practice, feng shui is now recognized in the West as a form of acupuncture for the home. By balancing invisible lines of energy or "chi" in the environment, you can influence the course and quality of your life. Questionnaires identify areas in your life for improvement, such as wealth, health, love and career. The text thrn goes on to explain how to use the "bagua", or map of energies, to relate these to specific areas of your home to bring about change. With an emphasis on contemporary design, the positive effects of the organization of space, positioning of furniture, display of art and use of flowing lines should enable you to set about "adjusting" your home. The title features real-life case studies showing "before" and "after" rooms allow you to see how it works.
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