In this sequel, the Elfdins of Oralee, who have been awakened to the Sovereign God and his supernatural power, are about to embark on a crusade unlike any other. Evil Druxin, who entered through the Portal into the Human world with four Krogs, has wreaked havoc on the Humans in his search to locate Maddock, imprisoned by Master Godric and Mistress Edith. With the time difference between the two worlds, many could die before the crusaders returned to Oralee. Despite not possessing gold crosses necessary to return through the ...
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In this sequel, the Elfdins of Oralee, who have been awakened to the Sovereign God and his supernatural power, are about to embark on a crusade unlike any other. Evil Druxin, who entered through the Portal into the Human world with four Krogs, has wreaked havoc on the Humans in his search to locate Maddock, imprisoned by Master Godric and Mistress Edith. With the time difference between the two worlds, many could die before the crusaders returned to Oralee. Despite not possessing gold crosses necessary to return through the Portal, the Elfdins selflessly choose to permanently leave Oralee to save the Humans and their world from Druxin's destruction. As they proceed, the Elfdins and the Humans encounter malicious traps set by Druxin that are meant to kill any who venture forward. Incorporating Maddock and his evil apprentices, Druxin creates a vile army of demonic powered warriors determined to destroy the Sovereign God and his followers once and for all. It is a journey full of impediments revealing the power of God's word can bring them through any storm, overcome any obstacle, and triumph over any strategy of the enemy.
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