Helps You Understand Why
This is a great book for those who just can't understand why ANYONE would support such a narcissistic, uneducated, self-serving failed businessman who has done nothing for his followers but hurt them further, yet tells them he has and they believe him. Sure, in him all types of bigots have found their voice, so he has served them well, leading to the deaths of many great folks though his incitement of hatred. But regarding the issues which are really hurting much of the crowd he attracts, such as the economy, taxes etc..., he was and will again ignore those who follow him and serve the rich elites, who help him pretend that he has been a successful businessman, and reward him with power. Why don't they get it? To find out, read how his actions and the words he uses as well as the patterns his speeches take, act much in the way cult leaders have historically attracted their followers. This book may help you save a family member or friend who has been drawn in to this "cult," because both parties have focused on neoliberal policies since the late 1970's, and they're ready for ANYONE who doesn't act or talk like a Washington politician, at their own ignorant peril.