This is an intriguing tale of a "regime change" project that failed. The CIA's "Cuba Project" to remove Fidel Castro became the largest ever covert action program conducted by one nation against another. It included assassination plots, sabotage and terrorist activities, paramilitary invasion plans and bizarre psychological warfare schemes. This account reads almost like a crime novel, but as the former head of Cuban counterintelligence, Fabian Escalante was actually a key protagonist in this drama. Fabian Escalante is a ...
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This is an intriguing tale of a "regime change" project that failed. The CIA's "Cuba Project" to remove Fidel Castro became the largest ever covert action program conducted by one nation against another. It included assassination plots, sabotage and terrorist activities, paramilitary invasion plans and bizarre psychological warfare schemes. This account reads almost like a crime novel, but as the former head of Cuban counterintelligence, Fabian Escalante was actually a key protagonist in this drama. Fabian Escalante is a former head of Cuban counterintelligence and is internationally regarded as Cuba's foremost authority on U.S. covert operations against Cuba and assassination plots against Fidel Castro. He also directed Cuba's 1978 investigation into the assassination of President Kennedy.
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