DK Does How-To Best
I like a lot of close-up explanatory pictures and patient, simple text, and Dorling Kindersley always delivers. Precise directions for the slow-to-learn accompany bug's-eye view photos. Aah. It's great to have DK around when I'm feeling dumb. They're like the great teacher that doesn't assume you know anything, but has a way of going through the basics that never condescends. It is only through this book and a later incarnation of the book that I found the confidence to lay out a pattern and follow it. I love DK. I don't know why we Americans can't just buckle down and do an excellent how-to book (except for Sunset). Is it because we think joking around and being clever with clip art helps along the learning process, like the abysmal "for dummies" series? How I hate those books. How I love DK, which spends its time and money on good photographers, writers, editors and graphic designers, and makes me want to try.