Libretto only, containing complete book and lyrics.After the success of their first operetta, "El Capitan," Charles Klein and John Phillip Sousa collaborated again on "The Charlatan." Revolving around the schemes of a dealer in magic to pass off his daughter by deception as a Royal Princess to secure a marriage with a young Russian Prince, the The Illustrated American hailed the operetta has "a distinctly creditable piece of work...unmistakably ambitious." After a positive Broadway production and tour, the operetta opened ...
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Libretto only, containing complete book and lyrics.After the success of their first operetta, "El Capitan," Charles Klein and John Phillip Sousa collaborated again on "The Charlatan." Revolving around the schemes of a dealer in magic to pass off his daughter by deception as a Royal Princess to secure a marriage with a young Russian Prince, the The Illustrated American hailed the operetta has "a distinctly creditable piece of work...unmistakably ambitious." After a positive Broadway production and tour, the operetta opened in London as "The Mystical Miss."English born playwright and librettist, Charles Klein immigrated to the United States in 1883 and started a successful theatre career. Along with his popular dramas, Klein wrote the librettos to the 1903 operetta "Red Feather," written with composer Reginald De Koven and produced by Florenz Ziegfeld, Jr., the 1902 musical "The Auctioneer" produced by David Belasco and "Mr. Pickwick" from the Charles Dickens novel with a score by Manuel Klein. His playwrighting career was cut short when he drowned in the sinking of the Lusitania in 1915 at the age of 48. From 1898 until this death, Klein had a play or musical on Broadway each season, a remarkable achievement.
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