Three full graphic novels in one very large volume. First, SteveAustin, the iconic action hero of The Six Million Dollar Man, returns!Groundbreaking filmmaker Kevin Smith (Clerks, Chasing Amy) rebuilds the world'sfirst bionic man, making him better, stronger, and faster than ever before!Joined by Phil Hester and Jonathan Lau, his collaborators on thecritically-acclaimed Green Hornet revival, Smith plunges Steve Austin into adangerous world of espionage and high adventure. Reunited with Jaime Sommers (ofThe Bionic Woman ...
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Three full graphic novels in one very large volume. First, SteveAustin, the iconic action hero of The Six Million Dollar Man, returns!Groundbreaking filmmaker Kevin Smith (Clerks, Chasing Amy) rebuilds the world'sfirst bionic man, making him better, stronger, and faster than ever before!Joined by Phil Hester and Jonathan Lau, his collaborators on thecritically-acclaimed Green Hornet revival, Smith plunges Steve Austin into adangerous world of espionage and high adventure. Reunited with Jaime Sommers (ofThe Bionic Woman fame), Austin must face a maniacal enemy built from deadlytechnology and dedicated to the collapse of entire nations! Second, SteveAustin, the unstoppable hero of The Six Million Dollar Man, tracks a deadlyconspiracy to foreign territory, where he discovers his strangest adversary yet-- the legendary Bigfoot! What is this unnatural creature of primalinstincts and mechanical parts? What role does the Bionic Man play in themonster's origin? If one such Bigfoot exists, could others still roam thewilderness... or be manufactured on an assembly line? Also, Steve Austin has atearful reunion with Jaime Sommers. How will he react when he discovers aterrible truth -- that he may have unwittingly been responsible for thetragic accident that transformed her into the Bionic Woman, and erased hermemories? Third, Steve Austin, the iconic hero of television's SixMillion Dollar Man, faces new threats both foreign and domestic! When the brutaldictator of Libue threatens to use whatever means necessary to squash the rebelsof his wartorn nation, the American government sends the Bionic Man to preventthe detonation of nuclear missiles on millions of innocents. Meanwhile, theOffice of Scientific Intelligence is under siege by rogue agents. Will Austin'sclose friend and OSI handler Oscar Goldman survive an attack on his life... anda mechanized terror with a face all too familiar?
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