This sequel to the sci-fi thriller The Arrival stars Patrick Muldoon as Jack, who works with computers for Montreal's National Space Agency. After Zane Ziminski (the astronomer-hero of the first film) is found dead, Jack receives a letter Zane sent to him shortly before his death. The letter speaks of an alien plot to decimate the earth's human population and urges others to work against the interstellar threat. Jack joins a group of scientists and concerned observers monitoring the alien threat, including a female reporter ...
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This sequel to the sci-fi thriller The Arrival stars Patrick Muldoon as Jack, who works with computers for Montreal's National Space Agency. After Zane Ziminski (the astronomer-hero of the first film) is found dead, Jack receives a letter Zane sent to him shortly before his death. The letter speaks of an alien plot to decimate the earth's human population and urges others to work against the interstellar threat. Jack joins a group of scientists and concerned observers monitoring the alien threat, including a female reporter, Bridget (Jane Sibbett). But it appears someone knows they are being watched, when the members of the anti-alien faction begin turning up dead. Also shown under the title The Arrival Agenda. Mark Deming, Rovi
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