This sequel to The Adventures of Lucky and Bud: The Rescue finds the boys at the center of a mystery when their chipmunk cousins' winter food cache is robbed, and the mischievous pair, who have a reputation for raiding bird feeders, eating flower bulbs, and stealing corn cobs and tomatoes from Mr. Pickles' vegetable garden, become suspects. To clear their names, find the real thief and, hopefully, recover the stolen food, they lead a search with help from their friends and other animals in their neighborhood to hunt for ...
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This sequel to The Adventures of Lucky and Bud: The Rescue finds the boys at the center of a mystery when their chipmunk cousins' winter food cache is robbed, and the mischievous pair, who have a reputation for raiding bird feeders, eating flower bulbs, and stealing corn cobs and tomatoes from Mr. Pickles' vegetable garden, become suspects. To clear their names, find the real thief and, hopefully, recover the stolen food, they lead a search with help from their friends and other animals in their neighborhood to hunt for clues in what turns out to be a thrilling and, at times, risky, pursuit. Along the way, the amateur detectives learn about the importance of friendship and loyalty, as well as the problems that can arise from prejudging others without knowing all the facts or shunning those who look different or come from unfamiliar places.
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