The direct-to-video sequel Tarzan II continues the story started by Disney in the 1999 animated feature Tarzan. This story involves Tarzan deciding to get away from his family out of concern that harm may come to them simply because of all the interest in him. Thanks to a series of adventures with his animal friends, Tarzan learns the true value of family. The film contains new songs by Phil Collins, who was awarded an Oscar for his work on the original 1999 film. Perry Seibert, Rovi
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The direct-to-video sequel Tarzan II continues the story started by Disney in the 1999 animated feature Tarzan. This story involves Tarzan deciding to get away from his family out of concern that harm may come to them simply because of all the interest in him. Thanks to a series of adventures with his animal friends, Tarzan learns the true value of family. The film contains new songs by Phil Collins, who was awarded an Oscar for his work on the original 1999 film. Perry Seibert, Rovi
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This is an excellant movie that the kids and I enjoyed very much. I love movies that tug at your heart but also make you laugh. A movie to keep that's for sure.