In the dying Empire of Caedia a cynical soldier, Edo Fuentas, stumbles on a map to a distant continent, a place of untold riches, a place of dreams and eternal youth. Tallamun. On that distant continent Tamber Whitehair is waiting for him- the boy warrior who became an outcast shaman has had bloody visions of the end that will befall his people if they do not unite against this vicious new threat.
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In the dying Empire of Caedia a cynical soldier, Edo Fuentas, stumbles on a map to a distant continent, a place of untold riches, a place of dreams and eternal youth. Tallamun. On that distant continent Tamber Whitehair is waiting for him- the boy warrior who became an outcast shaman has had bloody visions of the end that will befall his people if they do not unite against this vicious new threat.
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