5-stars review rating from readersfavorite.com! Here are twenty literary melodies in a Symphony of Stories . The word-music of the stories is arranged in the form and framework of a classical symphony. There are four symphonic movements: First comes the Andante , a going-along in a sequence of events, a narrative, a story. Next is an Adagio , the slowing down on the path of sorrow; these stories are tragic. A contrast is provided by the Scherzo , jokes, tales with tongue-in-cheek. The grand finale of the Allegro is ...
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5-stars review rating from readersfavorite.com! Here are twenty literary melodies in a Symphony of Stories . The word-music of the stories is arranged in the form and framework of a classical symphony. There are four symphonic movements: First comes the Andante , a going-along in a sequence of events, a narrative, a story. Next is an Adagio , the slowing down on the path of sorrow; these stories are tragic. A contrast is provided by the Scherzo , jokes, tales with tongue-in-cheek. The grand finale of the Allegro is the happy ending. The themes of the stories are some of the most basic: Longing for love, finding love, suffering disappointment in love, and losing love. Sex as farce. Ambition and the frustration of ambition. Music, art, literature, and our electronic technoculture. The individual in society. Moral and immoral. Sane, insane, and doubts about which is which. Symphony of Stories . Oh, the wondrous complexities of the human!
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