Set in the Geoje prison camp during the Korean War, the narrative follows the energetic North Korean soldier Rho Ki-Soo (Kyung-soo-Do) who discovers a deep desire to perform as a tap dancer after crossing paths with a dancer and officer from Broadway, Jackson (Jared Grimes). Forming a group alongside Yang Pan-rae (Park Hye-su), Ro Ki-soo yearns to find out the location of his wife Xiao Fang (Kim Min-Ho), a beautiful dancer herself who is limited in her movements due to angina. Directed by Kim Tae Hyung and written by Jang ...
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Set in the Geoje prison camp during the Korean War, the narrative follows the energetic North Korean soldier Rho Ki-Soo (Kyung-soo-Do) who discovers a deep desire to perform as a tap dancer after crossing paths with a dancer and officer from Broadway, Jackson (Jared Grimes). Forming a group alongside Yang Pan-rae (Park Hye-su), Ro Ki-soo yearns to find out the location of his wife Xiao Fang (Kim Min-Ho), a beautiful dancer herself who is limited in her movements due to angina. Directed by Kim Tae Hyung and written by Jang Woo-Sung. Clare Perez-Izaguirre Lopez, Rovi
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Park Hye-Su, Doh Kyung-Soo, Jared Grimes. New. 2019 Run time: 133. Buy with confidence-Satisfaction Guaranteed! Delivery Confirmation included for all orders in the US.