This book is about learning: what it is and how it is achieved. It refutes the myth that learning is just memorizing, and demonstrates that it is a rich, interesting, and satisfying process that stimulates our mind and body. This is a manual on how to develop your maximum cognitive potential to develop super-learning in 30 days with 30 actions. It shows you how your brain works, helps you discover your intelligence type and learning mode, as well as different ways to stimulate your brain and develop full cognitive potential ...
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This book is about learning: what it is and how it is achieved. It refutes the myth that learning is just memorizing, and demonstrates that it is a rich, interesting, and satisfying process that stimulates our mind and body. This is a manual on how to develop your maximum cognitive potential to develop super-learning in 30 days with 30 actions. It shows you how your brain works, helps you discover your intelligence type and learning mode, as well as different ways to stimulate your brain and develop full cognitive potential. Este libro trata sobre el aprendizaje, qu??? es y c???mo se logra. Rompe tambi???n el mito de que aprender es s???lo memorizar, pues explica que el primero es un proceso mucho m???s rico, interesante y satisfactorio, que involucra nuestra alimentaci???n, el conocer y considerar nuestros tipos de inteligencia y modalidades de aprendizaje, la estimulaci???n de nuestra mente y nuestro cuerpo, el uso de ciertas herramientas y muchas cosas m???s. Es un manual de c???mo desarrollar tu m???ximo potencial cognitivo para desarrollar un superaprendizaje en 30 d???as con 30 acciones, las cuales describe y explica a profundidad. Va dirigido a todo aqu???l que quiera lograr un aprendizaje acelerado y eficaz, pues permite conocer c???mo funciona tu cerebro, descubrir tu tipo de inteligencia y modalidad de aprendizaje, as??? como las distintas maneras de estimular f???sica y mentalmente tu cerebro para desarrollar todo el potencial cognitivo que posees, convertirte en el genio que deseas y realizar tus sue???os m???s preciados.
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