Super Duper Darien is the origin story of an 8-year-old boy, after not following his parent's directions about not going to sleep with his tablet in the bed, he wakes up with superpowers. Throughout the day all of these strange things are happening he just doesn't know why ...yet. Once he notices whats going on he decides to do something he always wanted to do and the adventure begins for Super Duper Darien.
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Super Duper Darien is the origin story of an 8-year-old boy, after not following his parent's directions about not going to sleep with his tablet in the bed, he wakes up with superpowers. Throughout the day all of these strange things are happening he just doesn't know why ...yet. Once he notices whats going on he decides to do something he always wanted to do and the adventure begins for Super Duper Darien.
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