The Summa theologica is arguably the greatest theological work completed. Its scope, magnitude, order, and logical clarity are unmatched by any work in any religion. The work is divided into three main parts. The first part is about God. The second part deals with the advance of the rational creature to God. The third, and last, section is about Christ. Within each part one finds a seemingly exhaustive treatment of the subject matter.
The entire Summa follows the same general format. Thomas first lays out a question which will be examined. He then divides the subject matter of the question into articles. The articles begin with a number of objections to the point Thomas will eventually hold. Then we are presented with Thomas? opinion in the sed contra. We now come to the body of the article wherein Thomas argues to his position regarding the question at hand. Lastly, the previous objections are answered, usually in light of the body of the article, systematically, one by one. In this way does Thomas proceed throughout his entire Summa.