Have you ever woke from a dream and think,"That would be a great movie" and want to continue the story in your head? This is your creativity begging to be let free. There is nothing like letting your imagination free and being creative. School curriculum can stifle a child's creative writing and thinking. Kids are overly concerned and anxious about handwriting, spelling, punctuation, word counts, and right answers. This is not how you create. Creativity flows best with freedom and practice. Boundless Beginnings starts you ...
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Have you ever woke from a dream and think,"That would be a great movie" and want to continue the story in your head? This is your creativity begging to be let free. There is nothing like letting your imagination free and being creative. School curriculum can stifle a child's creative writing and thinking. Kids are overly concerned and anxious about handwriting, spelling, punctuation, word counts, and right answers. This is not how you create. Creativity flows best with freedom and practice. Boundless Beginnings starts you off with a paragraph or two. The first person writes their name in the left column and then continues the story in their space. When you run out of space you pass it on to the next person that picks it up from there and so on. When it's time to end the story you can have a story ending party and sit around to finish it off together as a group. Visit ... for more: Story Starters, Story Sharers, Bedtime Story workbooks.
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